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- Name:ACU British Vet Motocross Championships 2023 - June 3rd and 4th
- Type:MX Race
- Club: British Vet Motocross
- Championship: None
- Venue: Toddington (Map)
- Track Postcode:LU56HE
- Event Starts:03-06-2023 to 04-06-2023
- Sign-On Opens:07:55 AM
- Event Begins:10:00 AM
- Online Entries Open:27-01-2023 08:00 PM
- Online Entries Close:01-06-2023 08:42 PM
- Classes:
Race Fee per Day Class Spots Available for the first day Spots Available for the second day Duration Member / Registered Visitor Visitor
Entry Opens (?)You must be a club member to enter prior to this date.+30 Championship Class (30 years and above) only 4 left only 5 left 6 Laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +40 Championship Class (40 years and above) only 5 left only 4 left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +50 Championship Class (50 years and above) only 2 left only 2 left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +60 Championship Class (60 years and above) none left only 1 left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +30 Intermediate Class (30 years and above) only 2 left only 2 left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +40 Intermediate Class (40 years and above) only 3 left none left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +50 Intermediate Class (50 years and above) only 1 left none left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +30 Novice Class (30 years and above) only 1 left only 1 left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +40 Novice Class (40 years and above) none left only 1 left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open +50 Novice Class (50 years and above) none left none left 6 laps £55.00 £55.00 Now Open Luton Members Support Race Sunday only spaces available spaces available 5 £50.00 £50.00 Now Open - Licences Accepted:ACU, SACU
- Single Event Licence Cost:£15.00
- Transponder Required:yes
- Transponder Hire Cost:£20.00 (88 available for hire)
- Cancellations:Allowed
- No Cancellations After:20-05-2023
- Payments Accepted:online
- Payment / Deposit:Full payment required to book-in online
- Official Web Page:https://www.vetmotocross.co.uk/
- Race Programme:Please purchase access when entering a race to view the programme.
- Additional Information:
Luton & District MCC present:
ACU British Vets Championship 2023
Date: 3rd and 4th June 2023 Permit Number: 200219 TCC:
Event Location: Old Park Farm, Toddington, Beds, LU5 6HE
1 Jurisdiction: The meeting will be held under the National Sporting Code and Motocross Standing Regulations of the ACU 2023 edition, these supplementary regulations and any further instructions issued or official announcements made.
2 Insurance: Insurance cover for this event is Basic there is no personal accident cover for competitors and liability cover in respect of any claim made by third parties is limited to £10 million. Competitors are recommended to purchase such cover though the ACU.
3 Secretary: Paul Burn & Justin Sedgwick. Tel No: 07983 869753/07947395219 Email:[email protected] Website: www.vet-motocross.co.uk
Facebook: Luton and District MCC dot com
4 Officials: Clerk of Course: TBC
Assistant Clerk of the course:TBC
Chief Marshal: Richard Ford
Chief Technical Officer: Steve Ashby 26709
5 Eligibility: Riders holding a current ACU licence and a member of an ACU club. One event licence is available. Machines: as per 2023 ACU handbook.
6 Course: Drop gate start with live engine, clutch type on of undulating land 1.8km lap distance. Once a rider has taken his position at the start gate, he cannot change it. A rider is deemed to be under starters orders having been called to the start line, the starter will hold up a green flag from which moment the riders are under his control, until all riders are on the start line. When all the riders are on the start line, the starter will hold up a 15 second board for a full 15 seconds. At the end of the 15 seconds, he will hold up a 5 seconds board and the gate will drop between 5 and 10 seconds after the 5 second Board is shown. No one except RIDERS and OFFICIALS shall be permitted to the area of the starting gate.
Some races will have 2 classes racing at the same time with each class having its own gate drop. The first class will take starters orders and start their race as described above. The second class of riders will take their starters orders 20 seconds after the gate has dropped for the first class. Each class is scored separately with the race distance being the same for each class. (5 laps)
FINISH OF RACE Riders must complete 50% of the distance of the winner and pass the chequered flag to be classed as a finisher.
7 Entries: Open on publication: 27/1/22@ 20.00. Entry fee is £110
Entries close 1/6/22 @ 20:00.
. The club reserves the right to refuse any entry without giving a reason.
ACU/ One Event licence must be shown at signing on.
8 Classes:
There are 4 ACU British Championship classes
+30 (for riders age 30 and over)
+40 (for riders between the age 40 and over)
+50 (for riders between the ages of 50 and over)
+60 (for riders over the age of 60)
And there will be the following support classes
+30 Novice (for riders between the ages of 30 and over)
+30 Inter (for riders between the ages of 30 and over)
+40 Novice (for riders between the ages of 40 and over)
+40 Inter (for riders between the ages of 40 and over)
+50 Novice (for riders between the ages of 50 and over)
+50 Inter (for riders between the ages of 50 and over)
The age of the person is defined as of 3rd June 2023
It is down to each rider to choose which skill level class is best suited for them. (eg Novice, Intermediate or Championship) The Top 3 finishers over all in the Novice and Intermediate classes for each age group will have to move up a class for the following year. Eg a Top 3 novice rider would have to move to intermediate group. For 2024.
4th June only – Support class for Luton and district club members of any age. OPEN class
9 Prizes – TBC
10 Practice/Races: 09:30 First groups head to assembly area
10:00 -1st Qualifying Practice starts – 4 laps
Each class will have 3 races per day 6 races in total
You may only race in the class you have entered
11 Timekeeping: Transponders are required: All machines to be fitted with an AMB MC transponder. Transponders can be hired for £25 for the weekend. (a deposit of £20 will be required on top of the hire fee, a fine of £250 will be enforced if the transponder is not returned on time)
12 General:
Solo machines as per 2023 ACU handbook
Sound control as per 2023 ACU handbook
List of races as per race programme
Points scored per race as follows
1st Place = 1 point
2nd Place = 2 points
3rd Place = 3 points
4th place = 4 points
Etc down to 30th place = 30 points
All 6 races count towards the points total, the rider with the lowest overall score wins. Eg 6 x 1st place finishes would score 6 points and beat 6 second place finishes which would score 12 points.
No riding in the paddock of any kind will be tolerated unless in specified rider lanes.
Environmental mats are encouraged
It is compulsory that riders/passengers wear, as a minimum, back and chest protectors.
It is advised that all riders and passengers should wear a body belt/kidney protector
Flag Signals as per ACU guidelines please note Yellow Wave, great danger prepares to stop, no overtaking. A significant reduction in speed must be seen, jumps should not be attempted.
Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times
12 Technical Control: Competitors are required to produce their machines to Technical Control. No one is permitted to practice or race unless the Technical Official has passed clothing (helmet) and machine.
13 Refund Policy: No refunds will be offered for this event
14 No bike engines to be running between 18.00 – 09.30
Paddock silence from 23:00
15 Marshals required: £50.00 per day.
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